Canada acquired the rights to all lands within its national borders in 1869 after nearly 200 years of control by the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC). The HBC sold the Rupert’s Land Charter to Canada, and through this transfer, Canada gained full control of all resources in the now renamed Northwest Territories.
The border between the United States and Canada was established in 1818 by a U.S.-British agreement along the 49th parallel from Lake of the Woods in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west. By the terms of the agreement, the U.S. and Canadian border was extended west along the 49th parallel to the Strait of Georgia, just short of the Pacific Ocean.
On July 1, 1867, at noon, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Province of Canada were proclaimed the Dominion of Canada with John A. Macdonald as its first prime minister. The area of Upper Canada was called Ontario and Lower Canada was called Quebec.
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