Ring Road Sign.
Ring Road Sign is a road sign that has a yellow border, a green background, and an uppercase R in the middle. This sign means that the road is part of an orbital road that loops around a specific location. On primary routes, the ring road sign has a yellow border, while on non-primary routes, it has a black border.
The Ring Road Sign informs about the primary route forming part of the ring road. The green background and yellow border with the letter ‘R’ on it are used to indicate this.
The maximum speed permitted on a road is displayed on a sign with a red circle and the word ZONE written underneath.
Triangular road signs are warnings for further hazards or dangers down the roads, such as roundabouts or T-junctions.
Here are some websites that discuss Ring Road Sign:
- [Book Learn Pass](https://www.booklearnpass.co.uk/theory-test/road-signs/ring-road-sign/)
- [Fleet Speak](https://fleetspeak.co.uk/road-sign-meanings/)
- [Western Michigan University](https://wmich.edu/facilities/planning/ringroadsigns)
- [GOV.UK](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/traffic-signs)
- [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_road)
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