Dua For When It Rains
Rain is a blessing from Allah and it is a time when we should be grateful for the mercy of Allah. It is also a time when we should make dua to Allah for the rain to be beneficial for us and not harmful. In this article, we will discuss some of the duas that Muslims can make when it rains.
When it rains, Muslims can make the following dua:
1. O Allah, shower upon us abundant rain, beneficial not harmful, swiftly and not delayed.
2. O Allah! Let it be a strong fruitful rain.
3. O Allah! Make it a mighty and productive rain.
4. O Allah! Make it a beneficial rain.
5. O Allah! Give water to Your slaves, and Your livestock, and spread Your mercy, and revive Your dead land.
6. O Allah! Relieve us from the hardship of drought.
7. O Allah! Make this rain a source of benefit for us and make it a means of our sustenance.
8. O Allah! Make this rain fall on our fields and gardens and soak deep into the soil so that it may benefit us in the future.
9. O Allah! Make this rain a source of mercy for us and not a source of punishment.
10. O Allah! Make this rain fall on our homes and streets so that it may wash away our sins.
It is important to remember that these duas should be made with sincerity and humility. We should also remember to thank Allah for His blessings.
Here are some websites that discuss Dua For When It Rains:
1. https://thequrancourses.com/our-blog/rain-dua/
2. https://muslim.sg/articles/dua-when-it-rains
3. https://themuslimtimes.info/2021/09/21/405079/
4. https://thequranrecital.com/rain-duas-and-sunnahs/
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