According to , the first day you can file your taxes is January 3, 2023. However, this isn't the first day the IRS will begin accepting tax returns. Although you may be eager to get your taxes done early, you’ll need to wait until the IRS starts accepting returns before it can actually be processed.
If you file your taxes too early, the IRS won’t accept or process them. You also likely won’t have all the forms you need to complete your tax return yet, including your W-2 or 1099s for interest payments .
The IRS began accepting tax returns for the 2023 tax filing season on Monday, Jan. 23, 2023 . You can now file your taxes, provided you have all the documents you need from your employer, bank and other institutions. Remember, the sooner you file, the sooner you'll get your tax refund (if any) .
Here are some websites that discuss When Can I Start Filing Taxes For 2023:
- [Market Realist](
- [Forbes](
- [CBS News](
- [National Tax Reports](
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