Driving on snowy or icy roads can be dangerous and requires extra caution. One of the most important things to keep in mind is the following distance between you and the car in front of you. The following distance is the space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. It is important to maintain a safe following distance to avoid accidents.
When driving during major inclement weather such as snow, ice, heavy rain, etc., you should increase your safe following distance to a minimum of 5 seconds (during extreme icing events, as much as 10 seconds is recommended). Under snowy conditions, it's recommended you stay 100 feet (30 meters) behind the car in front of you . You should double your distance in slippery or icy conditions, allowing at least a four-second distance between you and the car in front of you. A good rule of thumb for winter driving is to keep ten times the following distance between you and the car in front of you compared to the distance on dry roads.
Here are some tips that can help you maintain a safe following distance while driving on snowy or icy roads:
1. Slow down: Reducing your speed will give you more time to react if something unexpected happens.
2. Increase your following distance: As mentioned earlier, it is important to maintain a safe following distance.
3. Use winter tires: Winter tires provide better traction on snowy or icy roads.
4. Avoid sudden movements: Sudden movements such as hard braking or sudden acceleration can cause your vehicle to lose traction.
5. Keep your windshield clean: A dirty windshield can reduce visibility and make it difficult to see other vehicles on the road.
Here are some websites that discuss Under Snowy Or Icy Conditions, What Should Be Your Following Distance On A Highway?:
- https://www.drive-safely.net/safe-following-distance/
- https://www.wikihow.life/Drive-in-Snowy-Conditions
- https://www.automotive-fleet.com/10155649/7-tips-for-diving-in-snowy-and-icy-conditions
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