Careless Crossword Clue
Crossword puzzles are a great way to pass the time and challenge your brain. However, sometimes you might get stuck on a clue and need some help. One such clue is Careless Crossword Clue. This clue can be quite tricky, but with a little bit of help, you can solve it in no time.
The first step in solving this clue is to understand what it means. The word careless can mean many things, but in this context, it means not paying attention or being negligent. So, the answer to this clue will be a word that means careless.
There are many possible answers to this clue, but some of the most common ones include negligent, remiss, and slipshod. These words all mean careless in some way or another and could be the answer to this clue.
If you're still having trouble solving this clue, there are many websites that can help you out. Some of these websites include:
I hope this helps you solve the Careless Crossword Clue. Good luck!
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