Always Clean Worktops
Keeping your worktops clean is essential for maintaining a healthy and hygienic kitchen. It's important to wipe the obvious areas of a kitchen worktop, but it's also important to reach those often forgotten areas, like behind the toaster and under the breadbin, in order to maintain a clean and healthy kitchen.
Not all kitchen worktop materials require the same care, so it’s important to understand what kind of treatment works for your surfaces. The best approach is to do quick, simple cleanses daily, to avoid build up of dirt and stains.
Acid-free, non-abrasive detergents must be used to clean kitchen worktops in Laminate and HPL. Soapy water, warm water and vinegar or a solution of two parts water and one part alcohol are also effective without the risk of altering the surface shine.
It’s really important to keep worktops and chopping boards clean because they touch the food you are going to eat and can easily transfer bacteria. Always wash worktops before you start preparing food; Wipe up any spilt food straight away.
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